Test with Schmidt hammer
The Schmidt Hammer is a device used for measuring the hardness or strength of concrete or rock. It functions by measuring the rebound of a spring-loaded mass impacting the surface of the sample, and this rebound value can be used to determine the compressive strength of the concrete.
The Schmidt hammer test is a non-destructive concrete test method, which is one of the methods for measuring surface hardness. The test is generally used when it is assumed that the properties of the concrete’s surface and internal mass are not significantly different.
During the test, 10 rebound values are recorded on a prepared surface with an N-type Schmidt hammer. The strength of the concrete can be determined from the average of the rebound values at a given location. The test is relatively simple, can be carried out quickly and can be used in large numbers due to its non-destructive nature. It has the disadvantage that it only provides information on near-surface properties and for older concretes the results are affected by carbonation.
Use: estimation of the compressive strength of concrete.
Ultrasonic test
The test exploits the phenomenon that the ultrasound propagation velocity in concrete is related to the mechanical properties of the concrete (e.g. strength and dynamic E modulus). The combination of Schmidt hammer and ultrasonic tests and data fusion of the results can increase the reliability of non-destructive strength measurements.
Use: Estimation of compressive strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete. Ultrasonic testing can also be used to determine the depth of cracking of concrete structures.
Crack width examination by microscope
The crack width on the concrete surface is important for the durability of reinforced concrete structures. On-site measurements are carried out with a digital microscope with sufficient accuracy (0.01mm).
Sonic tomography
The sonic tomograph allows the internal structure of a concrete column to be measured without destruction. The test is based on the measurement of the propagation of sound waves. Seismic waves are characterised by their ability to penetrate the medium under investigation, the two most important being P (primary or longitudinal) and S (secondary or transverse) waves. The Piezo sensors of the tester are calibrated to detect the primary waves, so the moisture content of the test medium does not affect the success of the measurement. The sensors are placed around the circumference of the object to be tested (in some cases only along a line on one side), so that important information can be obtained by measuring the sound waves propagating between the sensors facing each other (sound wave velocity and its variation can indicate the density of the cross-section or the exact location and size of cavities, strength characteristics can be estimated by propagation velocity, and the depth of possible cracks can be determined).
Use: to detect structural anomalies, voids, discontinuities, cracks.
Test with a magnetic lebar locator
The test is used to determine the distribution, diameter and cover values of the reinforcement in the reinforced concrete columns. This is important not only for the load-bearing capacity but also for the durability.
Due to the speed of the test, a large number of samples can be measured and the results can be easily analysed statistically.
Chemical tests
The durability and corrosion rate of reinforced concrete columns are tested by means of borate dust analysis. Drill dust taken on site from different depths is analysed in the laboratory. The test causes minimal damage.